Selasa, 19 Mac 2013

peristiwa ditempat kerje..

anyeong and assalaamuaikum guys.....
fuhhhh~ this week ho i think it such a busy day...
yela kowt....
ok now the story begain.....
ok bagi adek2 yang belum keje ti dengar jo la cerita den ni ha...
bagi yang bekerja yang mana pressure macam i ni boleh la kte cecite sikit kan..
ok it's about today...
macam biasalah kedai tempat zee keje ni bukak pukul 9am-7pm and we doing some printing and photostat.... in tuttttttt~
pada siang hari ok je but bile dah ptg n masuk pukul 5pm n timing boss zee masuk perh gamat jugak la...
zee and other members of the shop tu buat la keje macam biasa but sambil buat kerja sambil bercakap... the fact is "menyambil" korang faham tak?? bukannye berbual but do nothing...
still we've got scold by our boss wife (merangkap assistant boss) 
but ape salah ktorang?????
sampai tetibe boleh pulak salah sorang staff kne marah pasal kira harga...
kalaw nak diikutkan btol kowt budak tu kire kalaw tambah master copy n bahagi other set tu...
i pown tak faham...
but boleh terima la sebab kalaw nak diikutkan mungkin ragam oorg mengandung gitu kowt....
dr ape yg zee tanye dekat ibu zee la an...
ibu zee kate kalaw diikutkan sangat it will give u a bad influence tu your child YO....
tak taw la an... 
zee ckp je so don't take to heart ok..
so korg see ya to another page "maybe" hehehhe...
bubye and toddlezzzz..


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