Jumaat, 23 Disember 2011

event with my beloved friends part 1

hello n assalamualaikum sume readers...

now, it's time for me to story2~
on 22dec2011 me and my buddy had an event together..
memang best sangat-sangat, biasala dengan kawan baek kite kan..
so, there are many thing kitorang buat bersame taw~
it is realy fun went you had a truely best friends taw..
just find one and be faithfull to each other mesti tak menyesal punye..
now the story begain..
this is part 1 of the story...

gambar nie diambil semasa dalam perjalanan masuk ke.............. it's secret.. hehee~
just guest .....
in this picture, my friends hana,hafiz, and hisham..
walaupun hujan tapi kami tetap teruskan perjalanan kerana kami dah rancang awal-awal..
in addition, this time is very special for someone~~

gambar nie adalah gambar sebelum nak sampai ke destinasi yang kami nak tuju...
see the picture, it was my friends hana and sima..
they were the model for my foto.. amacam cantek tak??
yang belah kanan dah berpunye tp yang belah kiri still available...
hehehe :P sory hana dear..

sebelum buat ape-ape kitorang mestilah kene makan dulu kan..
so, kitorang makan dulu coz tak sempat sarapan la...
in this picture, syira,saedah,me and hana...
sarapan kitorang semestinye nasi lemak... memang terbaek~

this is one of the picture that i've took... amacam?? smart tak??
hehehe~~ luangkan masa dengan kawan baek memang saat yang menyeronokkan kalaw kite sume saling percaye antara satu sama lain.. it is a fact to form  real friendship!

and this is our star sima and hisham (a couple)... diorang berdua ni memang sempoi habis la and always hang out together with us... and tula namenye kawan tak berbelah bagi~

and this is the last story for pat 1 of the event...
masa nie sedang menunggu kami yang masuk ke toilet hehehe~
the end of this part kitorg kene cuci kasut coz terkotor pulak :p

ok, this part will be continued....
thanks for read my story....

zeePinkey @_@

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