Ahad, 1 Julai 2012

last memory "karaoke and eat-eat"

aneohasayoe..... ^_^
now i'm back with my story again....
it quite early morning i've write this blog because "me" baru balik habiskan masa terakhir bekerja dengan boss and my working partners.....

best betol... kitorang habiskan makan bersama and karoke sekali~

event thought, tempat karaoke nie tak ada la best sangat and not really comfortable and privacy for us tapi ok la...

these are the picture yang sempat diambil..... ^_^

so, sy sangat berterima kasih sangat kerana bagi peluang saya rasa pengalaman bekerja dengan semua orang... so i always hope that we do not forget each other in the future ^_^

mEEzeePinkEy @_@

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